Reactjs Proxy configuration

A Single line of Reactjs proxy can be configured in package.json file inside react app but more than one Reactjs proxy is configured with the help of a middleware called http proxy middleware.

Configure Proxy Api

First we need to install http proxy middleware as a project dependency.

npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware

create a file setupProxy.js, you have to create exactly the same name for the file inside your src directory in your reactjs project.

const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware");
module.exports = function(app) {
      target: "api-domain"

In this code first you need to import the library http-proxy-middleware. Then export the the proxy configuration using module.exports. "your-api" is the relative path of your api and "your domain" is the domain of your api.

you need to maintain commonjs syntax inside the setupProxy.js you cannot use es6 syntax. The setupProxy.js will automatically load when the app gets loaded.